Hülya Vurnal İkizgül

Hülya Vurnal İkizgül (born in Istanbul, in 1966), is a Turkish mosaicist, sculptor and ceramic artist.

Graduate of Faculty of Art schools of Marmara University in Istanbul, in 1990. She made her master in the same faculty. She worked in the Workshop of Mural under the direction of famous painter Mustafa Pilevneli. She prepared her thesis “the Art of Mosaic and the Mosaics of Bedri Rahmi - Eren Eyüboğlu” .

According to criticisms: Between her fingers, the least stone becomes magic, and when she assembles of it hundred various size and color, she gives rise to splendid polychrome mosaics. With her panels represented accompanied by poetries and music composed by the author Hülya Vurnal İkizgül is an artist who also expresses herself in the field musical and poetic, and which then makes a success of a made total work of echoes and correspondences, in order to better await an ideal condensed in this formula: “to live as at the interior of a dream”.

From 13 - October 29 in 1992, she opened an Exposition of Paintings and Sculptures Mosaic, in a historical medium, the Museum of Hagia Sophia (Ayasofya Museum), in Istanbul.

From 01 - October 31 1994, as invited artist representing of the Modern art of Mosaic, she exposed her Mosaic Paintings and Sculptures to the Museum of Archaeology of Istres in Marseilles. Among ten prestigious exposure, it is necessary to also quote that of Paintings and Mosaic Sculptures still in one decorates historical, at Darphane-i Amire, in Istanbul, of October 16 to November 3, in 2002.

Inter alia, she has three works at the Museum of Archaeology of Istres, in Marseilles.